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20.03.2023 - 13:57

Semiconductor Industry Ecosystem

20.03.2023 - 13:57

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger likened semiconductors to oil, suggesting that computer chips will play a central role in international relations in the decades ahead. “Oil reserves have defined geopolitics for the last five decades. Where the fabs [factories] are for a digital future is more important,” Gelsinger said in an interview on CNBC. So understanding the ecosystem of semiconductor industry might be the key for the future.

The semiconductor industry is a complex ecosystem that involves multiple players working together to create the chips that power our modern world. The semiconductor industry has a long and storied history, dating back to the invention of the first transistors in 1947 by William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen at Bell Labs. Since then, the industry has gone through several waves of innovation, with each new generation of chips bringing increased performance and functionality. For example, the introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s, which combined the functions of a CPU on a single chip, led to the development of the personal computer. And more recently, the shift to sub-10nm nodes has enabled the creation of powerful mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, that are now an integral part of our daily lives. At the heart of the ecosystem are the companies that design the architecture of a chip, such as Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Microchip, and ARM. These companies employ teams of engineers and designers who create the blueprints for a chip's electronic circuits and components. The chips they create can be microcontrollers (MCUs), central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), or application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that are tailored for specific applications.

The process of creating a chip is highly complex and time-consuming, and it involves multiple steps. First, the silicon wafer, which is the substrate on which the chip is built, is prepared. Then, the wafer is coated with a layer of photoresist, which is a light-sensitive material that will be used to create the patterns for the various layers of the chip. Next, the patterns are transferred to the photoresist using the lithography machine, and the unwanted portions of the photoresist are removed. This process is repeated multiple times, with each iteration adding a new layer to the chip. After the various layers of the chip have been created, the wafer is etched to remove unwanted material, and then the transistors and other components are created. Once the chip is complete, it is tested to ensure that it is functioning correctly, and then it is packaged. The packaging process can involve a variety of techniques, such as surface mount device (SMD) or ball grid array (BGA) packaging, which protect the chip and make it easier to connect to other components.

Once a chip design is complete, it is sent to a foundry, such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), to be manufactured. Foundries are the companies that actually produce the chips using advanced fabrication techniques. They use sophisticated nanofabrication recipes, developed by companies such as Imec, to create the tiny transistors and other components that make up a chip. These recipes specify the precise dimensions and materials used to create the various layers of a chip, and they must be followed precisely in order to achieve the desired performance and functionality. One of the key pieces of equipment used in chip fabrication is the lithography machine, which is used to create the patterns that define the various layers of a chip. The most advanced and precise lithography machines are made by a company called ASML, and these machines are used for the most advanced nodes such as those lower than 6nm, and they are working to reduce this number to 2.5nm.

In addition to these major players, there are also many other companies and organizations that play important roles in the semiconductor industry ecosystem. For example, equipment vendors such as Applied Materials and Lam Research provide the tools and machinery that are used in chip fabrication. Software companies such as Synopsys and Cadence provide the software tools that are used to design and simulate chip circuits. And research institutions such as the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) help to drive innovation and set the direction for the industry.

In conclusion, the semiconductor industry is a complex ecosystem that involves many players working together to create the chips that power our modern world. From chip designers to foundries, equipment vendors to software companies, the industry is constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. With the semiconductor technology continue to push the limit and the demand for the more advanced chips, we can expect to see more innovation in this field in the future. Becoming a player in this ecosystem is definitely a challenge however, it is different than the oil industry since you don’t need a geographical advantage that you have no control over. By utilizing proper factors with a long term government policy and support any country  can involve in this ecosystem.


Gelsinger, Pat. "Intel CEO: Making semiconductors in US is more important than oil reserves." CNBC, 23 March 2022,,for%20the%20last%20five%20decades.  
"The Microprocessor Report" by Linley Gwennap (  )
"Semiconductor Industry Association" (  )
"Silicon Fabrication: Fundamentals, Metrology, and Technologies" by Zhiyong Fan (ISBN: 978-1119307848)
"Advanced Lithography: The State of the Art" by J. J. Dubowski and P. W. Hawkes (ISBN: 978-0128095701)
"ASML: Driving the Future of Technology" (  )

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