Ayşe Pınar Dinçer

TÜRK TRAKTÖR A.Ş., Service and Logistics Procurement Manager

I have been in the business world for about 18 years, working in procurement for Roketsan A.S. and TurkTraktor A.S. for many years. For the last 3.5 years, I have been working as a Manager for Service and Logistics Procurement. I have been involved in several procurement projects related to digitalization and process improvement. Additionally, for the last 2 years, I have been actively involved in internal entrepreneurship and innovation projects.

I graduated from Ted Ankara College in 1999 and completed my degree in International Relations at Bilkent University. I also earned a Master's and Ph.D. in Management and Organization from the Turkish Military Academy. I have published an article on leadership styles and conflict management. I hold several certifications in internal training, corporate entrepreneurship, product management, and procurement. Most of my 18 years of work experience have been in procurement, starting at Roketsan A.S. Currently, I am working as a Service and Logistics Procurement Manager at Türktraktör A.Ş.


Mentorship with Innovation Champions 2023

Garage Innovation Hub is carrying out the Innovation Champions Mentorship Program in cooperation with Mentors Network Turkey which gathers many national and global companies from different industries, with the objective of supporting Startups.